Data Center Advanced Liquid Cooling

Data Center Liquid Cooling Solutions

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Data Center Liquid Cooling & Immersion Cooling

Running a data center, it consumes enormous power to operate and maintain servers, networking equipment, cooling systems, and other infrastructure. There are approximately 8.5 million data centers around the world, as the servers continue to grow to handle the surge in data traffic, the power consumed by each server has also grown 1.5kW increased to 3kW in the past few years.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) report, the global energy consumption of data centers reached 220 to 320 billion kWh, accounting for 0.9% to 1.3% of the worldwide power usage.

KAORI HEAT TREATMENT CO.,LTD has rich experience for solving the energy efficiency issues and heat dissipating problem since 2018. By implementing this Direct-to-Chip (D2C) Cold Plate & immersion cooling, fans and air conditioners are not necessary. That’s how Kaori can significantly reduce the power consumption. By using a more efficient liquid cooling & immersion cooling systems, the PUE can then reach 1.1or even lower.

KAORI’s data center liquid cooling solution includes: In-Rack Cold Plate 80kW CDU (Coolant Distribution Unit) & 30kW RPU+RDHx for small and medium enterprise sever room; 2U & 4U All-In-One solution CDU & Immersion Tank, to cool down servers with dielectric liquid for laboratory testing and also for the large scale application such as In-Row  (Liquid to Liquid) CDU、25U & 48U split designed solution.

Product Information

Liquid/Air RPU+RDHx Cooling Solutions

背門式氣冷散熱系統  30kW RPU+RDHx


D2C Cold Plate Liquid Cooling Solutions

機櫃式水冷板散熱系統  In-Rack Cold Plate 80kW CDU

In-Rack Cold Plate 80kW CDU

一對多水冷板散熱系統  In-Row (L/L) CDU

In-Row (L/L) 850kW CDU

Immersion Cooling Solutions

單相浸沒式驗證機  2U3kW


All-In-One Immersion Tank for PoC

單相浸沒式驗證機  4U7kW


All-In-One Immersion Tank for PoC

大型分離式資料中心  25U90kW


Split Immersion Solution


Success Case

30kW ~ 200kW Immersion Liquid Cooling Solutions
80kW~1.3kW Liquid Cooling CDU
Cooling capacity 3.6MW ~ 100MW ----Keeping up to-----> 450MW
1000+ shipments

Case Study

After nearly three years of practical use of immersion liquid cooling technology, a world-renowned e-commerce group has publicly stated that measured power savings can reach more than 70%, and IT equipment failure rates have also been significantly reduced by 50%.

2018.Q3 – Present (operating 24/7 with zero failure reported)
Max. cooling capacity 3.6MW
Average annual PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) 1.07(less 7% of electricity used for cooling)

Leading Data Center Provider

Photo credit by client public released 


Data Center Liquid Cooling Solution English Brochure

Data Center
Liquid Cooling Solution